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Create Basic Server (Windows)

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Note: This guide is intended for dedicated servers, not servers started from the ingame menu!



  • Download Republic Commando UCC and install it into GameData/System folder
  • Create a shortcut for UCC.exe and add this parameter on target line: Engine.ServerCommandlet
  • It should like below (absolute paths may be different depending on installation location):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Wars Republic Commando\GameData\System\UCC.exe" Engine.ServerCommandlet
  • Forward the server connect port (default 7777) for TCP and UDP in your router/firewall
  • Optionally, forward the gamespy master server port 11138 for TCP and UDP if you want to see your server on the list

Configure System\System.ini

Open up GameData\System\System.ini file with notepad. (Notepad++ recommended)


Change the lines




This will boot the server into Arena A17 on DeathMatch gamemode.

The commandline syntax is: Mapname, Gamemode, additional parameters.

  • Parameters get seperated by "?" symbol

Additional Parameters

GoalScore=           -Set the score limit
Timelimit=           -Set the timelimit in minutes
MaxPlayers=          -Set max players for server
MaxSpectators=       -Set max spectators for server
RespawnWaitTime=     -Set respawn time, maximum are 7 seconds
MapListType=         -Tell the server to use this map list pool
NumRounds=           -For Assault gamemode, set the number of rounds until match ends
RoundTime=           -For Assault gamemode, set the round time in seconds
bEmptyTeamStart=     -Set to either True or False, tells the game to start even if only one player joined


The following example will boot the server into Arena A17 (CTF version) with the gamemode capture the flag, goal limit set to 3 (captures), 60 minute timelimit per map, 32 player slots, 8 spectator slots, 4 second respawntime and ctf maplist: CTF_Siege?Game=MPGame.CTFGame?GoalScore=3?Timelimit=60?MaxPlayers=32?MaxSpectators=8?RespawnWaitTime=4?MapListType=MPGame.MapListCaptureTheFlag