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Run Server on Linux
Note: This guide requires Create Basic Server (Windows) to be used and setup on the linux machine. If it hasn't been done yet, do it now!
- Linux machine capable of running wine (No GUI required)
- Game files on host system (GameData folder)
- Republic Commando UCC
- Install wine (32 Bit) on your linux machine accordingly to the instructions
- Install screen
- Upload game files to linux machine (GameData folder)
- Create a bash script inside GameData/System to start server:
screen -d -m -S swrc wine UCC.exe Engine.ServerCommandlet
Execute the bash script and server will run on screen process and will be detached from your terminal.
Switching to server console
- To look up current screen sessions:
screen -ls
- To switch to the desired screen window:
screen -r <name>
- To detach from screen window, press ctrl + A and ctrl + D.