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Editing Stock Weapons

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Open the actor classes browser and make sure that "Placeable classes only?" is unchecked. Here are your basic classes used in weapon development:

--Inventory > Weapon : These are stats of the base weapon, such as FireSound and ShotDelay.

--Inventory > Ammunition : These are the stats of the actual "thing" that is fired and ammo, such as Damage and MaxAmmo.

--Projectile : This consists of stats much more focused on the "thing" that is fired, such as Damage and Velocity. This would not be used for hit scan weapons, and ammunition would be used for both projectiles and hit scan. There is a subcategory for explosive projectiles.

--InventoryAttachment > WeaponAttachment : This is the 3rd person weapon that you see pawns holding. The most important property in here is the weapon mesh you set it to.

--Pickup > CTpickup : This is a class that you pick up with "F" to equip a weapon. It can also be dropped by enemies.

You can double-click any weapon class to see its properties.

Important Weapon Properties

Property Description
Burst Count How many shots AI fires at a time.
DrawType What type of class to display. For the Weapon class, it should be set to DT_Mesh.
Mesh The mesh that is displayed in 1st person.
FirstTimeSwitchEvent When the weapon is first equipped, an event can be called.
DroppedPickupClass The pickup to drop when a pawn dies.
PickupClass The pickup class that equips this weapon.
AimError A degree of spread while firing.
bCanThrowGrenadesWhenZoomed This is self-explanatory.
FireSound The sound to play when firing.
MeleeDamage The damage done by a melee attack.
MeleeRange The range of a melee attack.
MeleeStatusEffect A status effect (such as electrocution) on a melee attack.
MeleeStatusEffectDamagePerSecond Damage dealt by a melee status effect per second.
MeleeStatusEffectDuration The duration length of a melee attack status effect.
NumZoomFOVs The total number of zoom levels + 1. For example, a double-zoom weapon would set this to 3.
OptimalDist AI will try to fire the weapon at this range most often.
PickupAmmoCount The amount of ammo in the weapon when it is picked up off the ground.
ReloadCount The amount of ammo in a magazine.
ShotDelay The delay between each shot fired. This is a very important value to consider in balancing weapons.
WeaponKick Describes the kick of the weapon using Yaw, Pitch, and Roll.
ZoomedDamageMultiplier When zoomed, damage is multiplied by this value.
ZoomedAimError When zoomed, AimError is overridden by this value.
ZoomFOVs A list describing the amount of zoom in each FOV.
AmmoName The Ammunition class linked to this weapon.
AttachmentClass The Attachment class linked to this weapon.
bZoomedUsesNoHUDarms Setting this to true will hide the gun when zoomed.
FireMode Use this to switch between auto and semiauto.
FPFireOffset The local location to fire the bullet from in 1st person.
InventoryGroup The keyboard shortcut linked to equipping this weapon.
ItemName The display name of this weapon.
MuzzleClass The muzzle flash effect.
Reticle The texture to display in the center of the screen when this weapon is equipped.
WeaponType This can be used for keeping 2 weapons in one InventoryGroup. If you want one weapon per keyboard shortcut, here is the general rule: Keys 1-4 will be Primary. Key 5 will be Secondary.

Important Ammo Properties

Property Description
Damage The amount of damage to deal for each bullet that hit the enemy. Most of the time, it is kept the same as projectile damage. (If there is a projectile class)
HitEffectsByMaterial The particle effect to play when a bullet impacts. Most of the time, it is kept the same as its value in the projectile class. (If there is a projectile class)
MaxAmmo The maximum amount of ammo that the weapon can hold.
PannerProperties This is a group of properties describing how ammo is shown on the weapon itself.
ProjPerFire The number of ammunition to fire in a single shot. This property is very useful for shotguns.
Range This is the maximum range that ammunition will travel until impacting.
Spread A degree of inaccuracy. Use this for shotguns. Use AimError in the weapon class for single-shot weapons.
TracerEffect The effect that is shown when the weapon is fired. It is primarily used for hit scan weapons such as the sniper rifle.
bInstantHit If this is true, the weapon will be hit scan. If it is false, the weapon will use a projectile.
MyDamageType The type of damage to inflict. For example, Shotgun damage will deal more damage to organics than droids.
ProjectileClass This is the projectile class linked to the weapon, if it uses a projectile.

Important Projectile Properties

Property Description
LightColorProperties Use these 3 properties, or use the color selector to pick a color for the light emitted by the projectile.
bDynamicLight This should be set to true if you want your projectile to emit light.
LightRadius The range of the light emitted by the projectile.
LightType Should be set to LT_Steady if you want your projectile to emit light.
AccelFactor The projectile's acceleration.
Damage The amount of damage to deal for each bullet that hit the enemy. Most of the time, it is kept the same as ammunition damage.
HitEffectsByMaterial The particle effect to play when a bullet impacts. Most of the time, it is kept the same as its value in the ammunition class.
MaxSpeed The maximum velocity of the projectile.
Speed The initial velocity of the projectile.

Important Explosive Projectile Properties

Property Description
ExplosionEffect The effect to play when the projectile explodes.
DamageRadius The radius of the explosion that damage will be inflicted. As damage nears the edge of this radius, it decreases.
bActorDetonate Dictates if the projectile will impact with other actors.
bWorldDetonate Dictates if the projectile will impact with world geometry.

Important Attachment Properties

Property Description
DrawType The type of object to display. Should be set to DT_StaticMesh.
PrePivot Offset of the static mesh in local space.
StaticMesh The static mesh to be displayed.
MuzzleClass The muzzle flash effect to be played in 3rd person.
MuzzleOffset Offset of the muzzle flash in local space.

Important CTPickup Properties

Property Description
CollisionProperties Height and radius of the area in which the player can pick up the weapon.
DrawType The type of object to display. Should be set to DT_StaticMesh.
StaticMesh The static mesh to be displayed.
DroppedLifetime The time until the pickup disappears after being dropped.
InventoryType The weapon class linked to this pickup.
PickUpMessage The message displayed on the to of the screen when this weapon is picked up.