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The Console in Republic Commando can be brought up by pressing ~ (US Keyboard) or ^ (EU Layout) on your keyboard. If you still can't open it ingame, go to your profile folder and open User.ini in notepad. Select a key for the console to assign and add the "consoletoggle" command. Also remove semicolon otherwise game will ignore the key.


In ..\GameData\Save\Profile_XXX\User.ini

F1 = consoletoggle

Note: Console can only be opened while being ingame, not in the menu!

Also, ??? indicates effects are unknown or need to be more looked at.

Cheats Commands

Found in CheatManager.uc

AllWeapons                      -Drops every weapon in game. Campaign Only
Avatar                          -Destroys current Player Pawn, and allows you to choose another.
BlindAI                         -Makes AI almost non-interactable with other AI, and Environment.
BlindEnemies                    -All enemies will not interact with Player or AI of same faction.
CauseEvent                      -Allows you to trigger a campaign related event.
ChangeSize                      -Allows you to change player or pawn scale.
CheatView                       -Allows player to view specified class.
Darman                          -Loads next level.
DeafAI                          -AI will be deaf to gunfire, movement, and explosions.
DeafEnemies                     -Only Enemies will be deaf.
EndPath                         -Does nothing
Fierfek                         -Reloads and restores full ammo to weapons and nades.
Fly                             -Fly like a bird, Campaign Only
FreeCamera                      -Seperates camera from player and allows you to move around map freely.
FreezeFrame                     -Freezes the game. Enter a number to delay until that frame happens.
Ghost                           -Allows you to fly and clip through walls and pawns.
HOG                             -Kills anything that the crosshair is pointing at.
Invisible                       -Makes your pawn disappear.
KillAll                         -Kills everything on map, including meshes and actors.
KillPawns                       -Kills every pawn on map.
KillViewedActor                 -Kills destructible objects on screen.
Lamasu                          -Unlocks all levels.
ListDynamicActors               -Lists actors that are unique in-game to the log file.
Loaded                          -Gives all weapons and ammunition.
LockCamera                      -Locks camera into place or area.
LogScriptedSequences            -Places sequence into a log file.
LoopAnim                        -Loops the animation played.
PlayAnim                        -Plays animation if it isn't already.
PlayersOnly                     -Disables AI
RememberSpot                    -Not well known other than it allows either pawn or AI to remember location.
ReviewJumpSpots                 -Tests the jumping in various conditions. Ex: Low-Gravity, Normal, etc...
SetCameraDist                   -Allows you to set the camera distance from a target.
SetCoords                       -Allows you to set coordinates of player.
SetFlash                        -Allows you to set duration of a screen flash to fade away.
SetFogB                         -Sets a Blue component of fog.
SetFogG                         -Sets a Green component of fog.
SetFogR                         -Sets a Red component of fog.
SetGravity                      -Allows modification of gravity.
SetJumpZ                        -Allows modification of current set jump scale.
SetMesh                         -Allows modification of current mesh.
SetSpeed                        -Allows modification of player ground speed.
SloMo                           -Changes gamespeed.
SmiteEvil                       -Kills all enemies. Campaign Only.
StopAnim                        -Stops animation that is being played.
Summon                          -Allows you to spawn a pawn, requires specific package name of pawn.
Teleport                        -Allows teleportation of player pawn.
TheMatulaakLives                -God Mode
Trig                            -Allows you to trigger a campaign related event.
ViewActor                       -Allows player to view a specified actor in game.
ViewBot                         -Allows player to view bots currently in game.
ViewClass                       -Allows player to view specified class.
ViewPlayer                      -Allows you to view a player.
ViewSelf                        -Allows you to return to your pawn.
Walk                            -Changes your groundspeed to a walking pace.
WriteToLog                      -Writes information in-game to log. Useful for debugging issues.

Core Commands

Found in Core.dll

confighash                   -Displays Configuration Info.
decwatermark                 -???
dumpallocprofile             -???
dumpallocsbysize             -???
dumpfreelist                 -???
dumpnatives                  -Displays all native functions.
dumpobjectprofile            -???
dumpresourcehash             -???
endfullscreen                -Exits full screen. Sets value to 0
getcurrentres                -Gets current resolution.
getsystemlanguage            -Gets language of game.
gtime                        -???
incwatermark                 -???
meminfo                      -Gets memory usage information.
memstat                      -Displays memory statistics.
namecount                    -Returns number of registered names.
resetallocprofile            -???
startobjectprofile           -???
togglefullscreen             -Toggles between fullscreen and windowed.
toggleime                    -???
watermark                    -???

Engine Commands

Found in Engine.dll

aimhelp                    -???
axis                       -???
bloom                      -???
bloomfilter                -???
bloomquality               -???
blur                       -???
bump                       -???
button                     -???
checkpad                   -???
checksoundplaying          -???
cinematics                 -???
cinematicsratio            -???
count                      -???
debugregionmatrix          -???
dumpdynenvlight            -???
dumpmem                    -???
dumptime                   -???
endgame                    -???
endlevel                   -???
exec                       -Executes console commands from a specified txt file
flush                      -Flushes engine cache
framefx                    -???
gamelog                    -Opens log window
getcurrenttickrate         -Gets the current tickrate of the game
getmaxtickrate             -Gets the maximum tickrate of the game
getping                    -Returns always 0
graph                      -???
hwcull                     -???
inject                     -???
isfullscreen               -Toggle fullscreenmode
lanspeed                   -Sets your LAN speed
lightenvflag               -???
lightopt                   -???
listanims                  -???
netspeed                   -Set your internet speed
nohud                      -Hides HUD
pausesounds                -Pauses music and ambient sounds
pulse                      -???
reload                     -???
report                     -Writes a game report in MS Excel format and puts it in Save/Out folder out.
shadowlength               -???
shadows                    -???
shadowsperframe            -???
shot                       -Takes a screenshot
showall                    -Displays your hudarms in thirdperson
showambient                -???
showastat                  -???
showchannels               -???
showduck                   -???
showenv                    -???
showextentlinecheck        -???
showextentlinecheck        -???
showlinecheck              -???
showlinecheck              -???
showpointcheck             -???
showpointcheck             -???
showqmem                   -???
showsfx                    -???
showsounds                 -???
showstreamed               -???
showvoice                  -???
sockets                    -Shows every connected actor
sound_reboot               -Reboots sound engine
stat                       -See STAT
stopsounds                 -Stops every sound of the game
toggle                     -???
togglerefrast              -???
tvsafezone                 -Draws a red square across screen borders
unpausesounds              -Resume music and ambient sounds

Gamespy Commands

Found in GameSpyMgr.dll

GAMESPY BEGIN_INTERNET_QUERY            -Start querying for internet servers
GAMESPY BEGIN_LAN_QUERY                 -Start querying for LAN servers
GAMESPY CANCEL_QUERY                    -Stop any running query
GAMESPY CHECK_CDKEY                     -Check a CD Key Hash Code of a connected player (Server only)
GAMESPY CLEAR_QUERY_RESULTS             -Clear any queried servers
GAMESPY GET_CDKEY_RESULT                -Get the result of the CD Key check wether it's validated or not
GAMESPY GET_QUERY_COUNT                 -???
GAMESPY GET_QUERY_RESULTS               -Get the query results
GAMESPY GET_QUERY_STATUS                -Status of query: in progress, done, timed out...
GAMESPY SET_QUERY_FILTER_STRING         -Add a string to filter
GAMESPY SORT_QUERY_RESULTS              -Sort results for browser