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Cheats and Console Commands

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The game console can be opened ingame (not inside main menu) by pressing ~ key (american keyboard) or ^ key (european keyboard).

If none of the keys work there is a workarround:

  • Create a shortcut of SWRepublicCommando.exe, right click on shortcut and open properties. At the end of the target field after ", add following commands: -log -windowed
  • The field should look something like that (absolute paths may be different): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Wars Republic Commando\GameData\System\SWRepublicCommando.exe" -log -windowed
  • If you are using Steam, you can enter the commands via steam application. Right click on game in library, properties, add launch parameter.
  • When game boots up, it will run in window mode and a second window will open outputting game information. Inside that window, you can enter console commands.
  • To bind the console to a new key, type in that window: set input x consoletoggle - This will bind the console to the X key. Any other key will work just fine as well.


Found in CheatManager.uc

AllWeapons                      -Spawns every weapon.
Avatar                          -Destroys current player pawn and allows you to choose another.
BlindAI                         -Makes AI almost non-interactable with other AI and Environment.
BlindEnemies                    -All enemies will not interact with player or other AI.
CauseEvent                      -Trigger a level event.
ChangeSize                      -Change player and/or pawn scale.
CheatView                       -View specified pawn class.
Darman                          -Loads next level.
DeafAI                          -AI will be deaf to gunfire, movement and explosions.
DeafEnemies                     -Only Enemies will be deaf.
EndPath                         -Does nothing.
Fierfek                         -Reloads and restores full ammo to weapons and grenades.
Fly                             -Fly like a bird.
FreeCamera                      -Seperates camera from player pawn and allows you to move around map freely.
FreezeFrame                     -Freezes the game. Enter a number to delay until that frame happens.
Ghost                           -Allows you to fly and clip through walls.
HOG                             -Kills anything that the crosshair is pointing at.
Invisible                       -Makes your pawn invisible.
KillAll                         -Kills everything on map.
KillPawns                       -Kills every pawn on map.
KillViewedActor                 -Kills destructible objects on screen.
Lamasu                          -Unlocks all levels.
ListDynamicActors               -Lists actors that are dynamic in-game to the log file.
Loaded                          -Gives all weapons and ammunition.
LockCamera                      -Locks camera into place or area.
LogScriptedSequences            -Places sequence into a log file.
LoopAnim                        -Loops the animation played.
PlayAnim                        -Plays animation if it isn't already.
PlayersOnly                     -Disables AI.
RememberSpot                    -Not well known other than it allows either pawn or AI to remember location.
ReviewJumpSpots                 -Tests the jumping in various conditions. Ex: Low-Gravity, Normal, etc...
SetCameraDist                   -Set the camera distance from a target.
SetCoords                       -Set coordinates of player pawn.
SetFlash                        -Set duration of a screen flash to fade away.
SetFogB                         -Sets a Blue component of fog.
SetFogG                         -Sets a Green component of fog.
SetFogR                         -Sets a Red component of fog.
SetGravity                      -Allows modification of gravity.
SetJumpZ                        -Allows modification of current jump scale.
SetMesh                         -Allows modification of current mesh.
SetSpeed                        -Allows modification of player pawn ground speed.
SloMo                           -Changes gamespeed.
SmiteEvil                       -Kills all enemies.
StopAnim                        -Stops animation that is being played.
Summon                          -spawn a specific class (note: this does not work because the spawn location is too close to player pawn resulting in collision conflict and therefore abortion. To make it work, disable player pawn collision).
Teleport                        -Teleport the player pawn.
TheMatulaakLives                -God Mode.
Trig                            -Trigger a level event.
ViewActor                       -View a specific actor.
ViewBot                         -View an AI bot.
ViewClass                       -View a specific class.
ViewPlayer                      -View another player.
ViewSelf                        -View yourself.
Walk                            -Return to normal state from fly/ghost and reset pawn ground speed.
WriteToLog                      -Writes information in-game to log. Useful for debugging issues.

Other Commands


confighash                   -Writes the amount of items in all config hash slots to the log file
dumpallocsbysize             -Writes a list of all memory allocations sorted by their size to the log file
dumpnatives                  -Displays all available indices for native functions
dumpresourcehash             -Writes the number of resources contained in each resource hash bin to the log file
endfullscreen                -Exits full screen. Sets value to 0
getcurrentres                -Gets current resolution.
getsystemlanguage            -Gets language of game.
meminfo                      -Gets memory usage information.
memstat                      -Displays memory statistics.
namecount                    -Returns number of registered names.
togglefullscreen             -Toggles between fullscreen and windowed.


aa                         -Sets level of anti aliasing
bloomquality               -Sets quality of bloom effects. 0 : off, 1 : low, 2 : high
bump                       -Sets bumpmapping detail. Broken! Only able to turn it off completely
BumpSize                   -Sets the strength of the bumpmapping effect
checkpad                   -Prints "CheckPad Found" to the Log
cinematics                 -Toggle cinematics (black bars). Unused
cinematicsratio            -Set ratio for cinematics
dumpdynenvlight            -Prints information about dynamic environment lights in the current level
exec                       -Executes console commands from a specified txt file
filmgrain                  -?! No visible effect
flush                      -Flushes engine cache
framefx                    -Toggles fx like bloom or blur
gamelog                    -Opens log window
getcurrenttickrate         -Gets the current tickrate of the game
getmaxtickrate             -Gets the maximum tickrate of the game
getping                    -Always returns 0. Only useful for the server when querying the ping for a remote player
hwcull                     -Toggles hardware occlusion culling
inject                     -Sends a command to the server
isfullscreen               -Prints "true" or "false" depending on whether the game is in fullscreen or not
lanspeed                   -Sets your LAN speed
listanims                  -Writes all animations linked with specified skeletal mesh to the log file
netspeed                   -Set your internet speed
nodistort                  -Enables/disables an underwater screen distort effect. This is used for the baby POV in the prologue.
nohud                      -Hides HUD
hud                        -Shows HUD
pausesounds                -Pauses music and ambient sounds
report                     -Writes a game report in MS Excel format and puts it in Save/Out folder out. Copies information about the current map, game mode, and player to the clipboard.
rmode                      -Used to set different rendering modes. The number can be between 1 and 34
shadows                    -Turn dynamic shadows on or off. Seems to be bugged and can cause shadows frozen in place.
shadowsperframe            -Sets amout of dynamic shadows to render per frame
shot                       -Takes a screenshot
showall                    -Makes all actors visible regardless if bHidden is true
showchannels               -Shows all sound channels and which sound they're currently playing
showextentlinecheck        -Shows the player's bounding box while moving
showvoice                  -Displays the name of the voice sound that is currently playing using a different text color and position for each character
sockets                    -Shows every connected actor
sound_reboot               -Reboots sound engine
stat                       -See STAT
stopsounds                 -Stops every sound of the game
togglerefrast              -Toggle software rasterizer (unused)
tvsafezone                 -Draws a red square across screen borders
unpausesounds              -Resume music and ambient sounds
rend (Toggle commands)
    -desc                   - Draws the names of objects in the player's view
    -normals                - Draws mesh normals
    -bone                   - Draws skeleton for skinned meshes
    -skin                   - Whether to draw skeletal meshes
    -bound                  - Shows bounding boxes
    -coll                   - Shows actor collision cylinder and ragdoll collisions
        -all                - Show all volumes
        -none               - Hide all volumes
        -physics            - Show physics volumes only
        -blocking           - Show blocking volumes only
    -default                - Resets above commands
show (Toggle commands)
        -coords              - Displays the player's location and rotation


GAMESPY BEGIN_INTERNET_QUERY            -Start querying for internet servers
GAMESPY BEGIN_LAN_QUERY                 -Start querying for LAN servers
GAMESPY CANCEL_QUERY                    -Stop any running query
GAMESPY CHECK_CDKEY                     -Check a CD Key Hash Code of a connected player (Server only)
GAMESPY CLEAR_QUERY_RESULTS             -Clear any queried servers
GAMESPY GET_CDKEY_RESULT                -Get the result of the CD Key check wether it's validated or not
GAMESPY GET_QUERY_COUNT                 -Return num queries
GAMESPY GET_QUERY_RESULTS               -Get the query results
GAMESPY GET_QUERY_STATUS                -Status of query: in progress, done, timed out...
GAMESPY SET_QUERY_FILTER_STRING         -Add a string to filter
GAMESPY SORT_QUERY_RESULTS              -Sort results for browser


Found inside all UScript classes:

StopShake                                                                                                                                     --> Stops the shaking of your HUD
ShakeView(float InTime, float SustainTime, float OutTime, float XMag, float YMag, float ZMag, float YawMag, float PitchMag, float Frequency)  --> Starts shaking your HUD with specified parameters
SwitchGrenade(optional float F)                                                                                                               --> Changes your currently weapon and grenade
SwitchToBestWeapon                                                                                                                            --> Switches to best weapon in your inventory
UseControllerConfig(string fileName)                                                                                                          --> Use another configuration file
PlayMovie(bool bLooping, bool bInterruptable, bool bPauseLevelMusic, bool bPauseLevelSound, string fileName, optional bool bDisassociatePads) --> Plays a movie in your HUD
IsMoviePlaying                                                                                                                                --> Movie playing? True or False
StartScreenFade(float FadeTime, Color FadeColor)                                                                                              --> Fade your screen witha color
Visor(bool bOn)                                                                                                                               --> Visor mode
NoHUDArms(bool bNoHudArms)                                                                                                                    --> Turns HUD mode on/off
ToggleHeadlamp                                                                                                                                --> Night vision mode
GotoVisionMode(byte NewMode)                                                                                                                  --> Goes into a new visionmode. No effect at all
PassOnTacticalIntensity                                                                                                                       --> 
SetVisorModeDefault(int vmDefault)                                                                                                            --> 
GetAllButtonMappings(string func, out array<int> keys)                                                                                        --> 
ChangeKeyBinding(int key, string binding, bool bClearOtherKeysWithSameBinding)                                                                --> Changes your key binding
SaveInputConfig                                                                                                                               --> Saves your input config
SavePlayerInputConfig                                                                                                                         --> Saves your player input config
SaveClientConfig                                                                                                                              --> Saves your client config
SaveRenderDeviceConfig                                                                                                                        --> Saves your render device config
SaveAudioConfig                                                                                                                               --> Saves your audio config
ToggleSpectatorMode                                                                                                                           --> F8
SetSpectateSpeed(Float F)                                                                                                                     --> Changes the speed of your camera(spectator)
FOV(float F)                                                                                                                                  --> set your FOV
DrawHUD                                                                                                                                       --> Draw your HUD
Mutate(string MutateString)                                                                                                                   --> For mutators
SetSensitivity(float F)                                                                                                                       --> mouse configuration
SetMouseSmoothing(int Mode)                                                                                                                   --> mouse configuration
SetMouseAccel(float F)                                                                                                                        --> mouse configuration
GetInvertLook                                                                                                                                 --> 
SetInvertLook(bool bInvert)                                                                                                                   --> 
GetMouseSensitivity()                                                                                                                         --> Gets your sensitivity
SetMouseSensitivity(float F)                                                                                                                  --> sets your sensitivity
GetJoySensitivity(out float XY, out float UV)                                                                                                 --> XBOX controller
SetJoySensitivity(float XY, float UV)                                                                                                         --> XBOX controller
PropagateSettings                                                                                                                             --> Bad Settings
PropagateBadCDKey                                                                                                                             --> Bad CD Key
PropagateMissingContent                                                                                                                       --> Missing content
ForceReload                                                                                                                                   --> R
TraceForMemStats                                                                                                                              --> Memory stats
Say(string Msg)                                                                                                                               --> Chat
TeamSay(string Msg)                                                                                                                           --> TeamChat
ShowGameStats                                                                                                                                 --> 
ShowObjectives                                                                                                                                --> 
ToggleCurrentObjective                                                                                                                        --> 
SetWeaponHand(string S)                                                                                                                       --> Sets your weapon hand. Not working
ShowGun                                                                                                                                       --> Hides your weapon
Jump(optional float F)                                                                                                                        --> Jump
Speech(name Type, int Index, string Callsign)                                                                                                 --> Voice messages
RestartLevel                                                                                                                                  --> Restart your level
LocalTravel(string URL)                                                                                                                       --> local map change
QuickSave                                                                                                                                     --> Save your game
HasQuickSave                                                                                                                                  --> 
LoadGame(string Name)                                                                                                                         --> Loads a saved game
QuickLoad                                                                                                                                     --> Quick load
LoadMostRecent                                                                                                                                --> 
Reload                                                                                                                                        --> R
Pause                                                                                                                                         --> Pause your game
IsPaused                                                                                                                                      --> True False
ShowTitleCardMenu(String MenuClass, String Args)                                                                                              --> opens a menu class
ShowMenu(optional String MenuClass, optional String Title, optional String Text, optional String PicName, optional String NewLevel)           --> opens a menu class
ActivateInventoryItem(class InvItem)                                                                                                          --> Activates an Item.
ThrowWeapon                                                                                                                                   --> Drops your weapon
PrevWeapon                                                                                                                                    --> Switch to previous weapon
NextWeapon                                                                                                                                    --> Switch to next weapon
PipedSwitchWeapon(byte F)                                                                                                                     --> 
ToggleWeapon                                                                                                                                  --> 
SwitchWeapon(byte F)                                                                                                                          --> Switch to a specified weapon
GetWeapon(class<Weapon> NewWeaponClass)                                                                                                       --> Gives you a specified weaponclass
PrevItem                                                                                                                                      --> previous Item
ActivateItem                                                                                                                                  --> activate an Item
StopFire(optional float F)                                                                                                                    --> stops firing
Fire(optional float F)                                                                                                                        --> start firing
AltFire(optional float F)                                                                                                                     --> 
ThrowGrenade(optional float F)                                                                                                                --> Throw a grenade
Use                                                                                                                                           --> use a trigger
StopUse                                                                                                                                       --> stop doing "use"
ListInventory                                                                                                                                 --> list your inventory
Revive                                                                                                                                        --> revive yourself
Suicide                                                                                                                                       --> Kill yourself
Name(coerce string S)                                                                                                                         --> set your name
SetName(coerce string S)                                                                                                                      --> set your name
SwitchTeam                                                                                                                                    --> F7
ChangeTeam(int N, optional bool bSwitch)                                                                                                      --> F7 with parameters
SwitchLevel(string URL)                                                                                                                       --> servertravel
ClearProgressMessages                                                                                                                         --> 
SetProgressMessage(int Index, string S, color C)                                                                                              --> 
SetProgressTime(float T)                                                                                                                      --> 
BehindView(Bool B)                                                                                                                            --> 3th person view
ToggleBehindView                                                                                                                              --> 3th person view
CCE(class<CameraEffect> EffectClass)                                                                                                          --> create camera effect
CreateCameraEffect(class<CameraEffect> EffectClass)                                                                                           --> create camera effect
UTrace                                                                                                                                        --> Gives you alot of information
PlayM(INT movieNum)                                                                                                                           --> Play a movie
PauseM                                                                                                                                        --> Pause the movie
StopM                                                                                                                                         --> Stop the movie
ToggleCautious                                                                                                                                --> 
SetStanceOffensive                                                                                                                            --> F1
SetStanceDefensive                                                                                                                            --> F2
SetStanceHold                                                                                                                                 --> F3
CancelAllMarkers                                                                                                                              --> F4
CancelAllOrders                                                                                                                               --> F4
SquadEngage                                                                                                                                   --> 
SquadRecall                                                                                                                                   --> 
ShowActorObjectiveTracker(Actor a)                                                                                                            --> 
ShowPositionObjectiveTracker(Vector position)                                                                                                 --> 
HideObjectiveTracker                                                                                                                          --> 
ShowPrompt(string PromptText, Array<string> PromptButtonFuncs, float PromptTime, bool bFlash, String ACTION_Name)                             --> Opens a prompt
BlinkHUDSquadCommandPrompt(float BlinkTime)                                                                                                   --> 
BlinkHUDSquad(float BlinkTime)                                                                                                                --> 
BlinkHUDGrenade(float BlinkTime)                                                                                                              --> 
BlinkHUDHealth(float BlinkTime)                                                                                                               --> 
BlinkHUDShields(float BlinkTime)                                                                                                              --> 
ShowAI                                                                                                                                        --> Show debug AI
BasePath(byte num)                                                                                                                            --> shows path to base. not working!
CycleLoadout                                                                                                                                  --> cycles loadout.
ChangeLoadout(string LoadoutName)                                                                                                             --> loads a new loadout.