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Republic Commando UCC

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Revision as of 23:31, 8 September 2020 by Leon (talk | contribs) (→‎UCC.cpp)
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Author: Leon

Used Tools: MS Visual Studio 2003

Description: A self written UCC for Republic Commando. Used for executing Unreal Commandlets.

Github: here

Latest Build: here


* This is a custom UCC.exe for Star Wars Republic Commando since the game shipped without one.
* Everything compiles fine with Visual Studio .NET 2003 which is being used to achieve maximum compatibility
* since it was also used to compile RC
* The following settings are required in order to compile everything without errors:
* - Character Set = Not Set
* - Struct Member Alignment = 4 Bytes
* - Calling Convention = __fastcall
  1. include "../../Core/Inc/Core.h"
  2. include "../../Core/Inc/FOutputDeviceFile.h"
  3. include "../../Core/Inc/FOutputDeviceWindowsError.h"
  4. include "../../Core/Inc/FFeedbackContextCmd.h"
  5. include "../../Core/Inc/FConfigCacheIni.h"

void UServerCommandletMain(); // Defined in ServerCommandlet.cpp

void ShowBanner(FOutputDevice& Out){ Out.Log("======================================="); Out.Log("ucc.exe for Star Wars Republic Commando"); Out.Log("made by Leon0628"); Out.Log("======================================="); Out.Log(""); }

int __cdecl main(int argc, char** argv){ int ExitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; FOutputDeviceFile Log; FOutputDeviceWindowsError Error; FFeedbackContextCmd Warn;

GIsStarted = 1;

try{ GIsGuarded = 1;

FString CmdLine;

for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) CmdLine += FString(argv[i]) + " ";

appInit("SWRepublicCommando", *CmdLine, &Log, &Error, &Warn, FConfigCacheIni::Factory, 1); UObject::SetLanguage("int");

if(argc > 1){ // Initializing global state GIsUCC = GIsClient = GIsServer = GIsEditor = GIsScriptable = GLazyLoad = 1;

FString ClassName = argv[1]; TArray<FRegistryObjectInfo> List;

UObject::GetRegistryObjects(List, UClass::StaticClass(), UCommandlet::StaticClass(), 0); // Loading list of commandlets declared in .int files

for(int i = 0; i < List.Num(); ++i){ // Looking Token up in list and autocompleting class name if found FString FullName = List[i].Object; FString ShortName = FullName;

while(ShortName.InStr(".") >= 0) // Removing package name so that only class name remains ShortName = ShortName.Mid(ShortName.InStr(".") + 1);

if(ClassName == FullName || ClassName + "Commandlet" == FullName || // Checking against "PackageName.ClassName (+ Commandlet)" ClassName == ShortName || ClassName + "Commandlet" == ShortName){ // Checking against "ClassName (+ Commandlet)" ClassName = List[i].Object;

break; } }

DWORD LoadFlags = LOAD_NoWarn | LOAD_Quiet;

if(ClassName == "Editor.MakeCommandlet"){ // Loading default packages to avoid 'Superclass not found' errors UObject::LoadPackage(NULL, "Core", LOAD_NoFail); UObject::LoadPackage(NULL, "Engine", LOAD_NoFail); LoadFlags |= LOAD_DisallowFiles; }

UClass* Class = LoadClass<UCommandlet>(NULL, *ClassName, NULL, LoadFlags, NULL);

if(!Class) // If class failed to load appending "Commandlet" and trying again Class = LoadClass<UCommandlet>(NULL, *(ClassName + "Commandlet"), NULL, LoadFlags, NULL);

if(Class){ UCommandlet* Commandlet = ConstructObject<UCommandlet>(Class); UCommandlet* Default = Cast<UCommandlet>(Class->GetDefaultObject());

if(Default->ShowBanner) ShowBanner(Warn);

Warn.Logf("Executing %s", Class->GetFullName()); Warn.Log("");

GIsClient = Default->IsClient; GIsEditor = Default->IsEditor; GIsServer = Default->IsServer; GLazyLoad = Default->LazyLoad;

// Contains only the command-line options that are passed to the commandlet FString CommandletCmdLine;

for(int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) CommandletCmdLine += FString(argv[i]) + " ";

Commandlet->InitExecution(); Commandlet->ParseParms(*CommandletCmdLine);

if(Default->LogToStdout){ // Redirecting commandlet output to console Warn.AuxOut = GLog; GLog = &Warn; }

if(ClassName == "Engine.Server" || ClassName == "Engine.ServerCommandlet") UServerCommandletMain(); // The ServerCommandlet has a special Main function else ExitCode = CommandletMain(Commandlet, CommandletCmdLine);

if(Default->ShowErrorCount){ Warn.Log(""); Warn.Logf("%s - %i error(s), %i warning(s)", Warn.ErrorCount == 0 ? "Success" : "Failure", Warn.ErrorCount, Warn.WarningCount); }

if(Default->LogToStdout){ Warn.AuxOut = NULL; GLog = &Log; } }else{ ShowBanner(Warn); Warn.Logf("Commandlet %s not found", argv[1]); } }else{ ShowBanner(Warn); Warn.Log("Usage:"); Warn.Log(" ucc <command> <parameters>"); }

// This prevents an infinite loop during garbage collection when there are compile errors with ucc make if(Warn.ErrorCount == 0) appPreExit(); else ExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;

GIsGuarded = 0; }catch(...){ GIsGuarded = 0; GLog = &Log; ExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; Error.HandleError(); }


return ExitCode; }