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Create new Squad Member

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Revision as of 20:59, 10 August 2019 by Plasma (talk | contribs)
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This tutorial shows you how to create custom squad members for your party.

Create new squad class

In your Actor browser, go to Actor->Pawn->CTPawn->Republic->CloneCommando and create a new sub class from CloneCommando.


Once the class and package have been created and saved, add the following code to the new class:

class MyCustomCommando extends CloneCommando;

var Texture ReviveOutsideTexture;
var Texture ReviveInsideTexture;

var localized string HUDDescription;
var localized string HUDNickname;

simulated event String GetHudDescription()
	return HUDDescription;

simulated event String GetHudNickname()
	return HUDNickname;

simulated function AnimateWoundedWalking()
	TurnLeftAnim = 'WoundedTurnLeft';
	TurnRightAnim = 'WoundedTurnRight';
	MovementAnim = 'Wounded62WalkForward';

simulated function AnimateWoundedRunning()
	TurnLeftAnim = 'WoundedTurnLeft';
	TurnRightAnim = 'WoundedTurnRight';
	MovementAnim = 'Wounded62RunForward';

Hit the compile button and save the package.

Adjusting Properties

The rest of this tutorial is just adjusting the properties of our new squad class. Open up the properties window adjust the values. Of course most of the values can be changed to achieve certain desires:


bCanBeAutoAimed = False
MyDamageVariance = DV_OrganicCTSquadMember


Accuracy = 0.9
bCanBeSquadMember = True                                | Must be true
bOnPathFailNoCollision = True                           | Must be true
SightRadius = 5000


FootStepInfoClass = CloneCommando_FS
IdleInfoClassName = Properties.StandardIdleInfo


EnhancedVisionColor = X                                 | Outline color
EnhancedVisionFade = True                               | Draw color outlines of the character
Skins = X                                               | Path to the texture file of your mesh


Mesh = X                                                | Link the class to Skeletalmesh


(Just copy karma properties from default class)


AvailableAccessories = X                                | Add your accessories
DropGrenadePercentage = 0
MaxAccessories = 3
MaxHealth = 400                                         | Set max health
MaxShields = 50                                         | Set max shields
MeshSet = X Set = X                                     | Mesh and Animation link
RequiredEquipment = X                                   | Weapon loadout
ShieldColor = X                                         | Color of the shields when taking damage
ShieldRechargeDelay = 4
ShieldRechargeRate = 15
