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Create new Squad Member

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Revision as of 20:50, 10 August 2019 by Plasma (talk | contribs)
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This tutorial shows you how to create custom squad members for your party.

Create new squad class

In your Actor browser, go to Actor->Pawn->CTPawn->Republic->CloneCommando and create a new sub class from CloneCommando.


Once the class and package have been created and saved, add the following code to the new class:

class MyCustomCommando extends CloneCommando;

var Texture ReviveOutsideTexture;
var Texture ReviveInsideTexture;

var localized string HUDDescription;
var localized string HUDNickname;

simulated event String GetHudDescription()
	return HUDDescription;

simulated event String GetHudNickname()
	return HUDNickname;

simulated function AnimateWoundedWalking()
	TurnLeftAnim = 'WoundedTurnLeft';
	TurnRightAnim = 'WoundedTurnRight';
	MovementAnim = 'Wounded62WalkForward';

simulated function AnimateWoundedRunning()
	TurnLeftAnim = 'WoundedTurnLeft';
	TurnRightAnim = 'WoundedTurnRight';
	MovementAnim = 'Wounded62RunForward';

Hit the compile button and save the package.

Adjusting Properties

The rest of this tutorial is just adjusting the properties of our new squad class.
