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Nintendo Switch Game Log
Game output when running it on a Nintendo Switch emulator. It crashes when initializing Karma.
Message: 'STARTING MEMORY:1981MB' Message: 'Name subsystem initialized' Message: 'Build: 139 Scalar' Message: 'Engine version: 2226' Message: 'Compiled: Jan 12 2021' Message: 'Command line:' Message: 'Base directory: rom:/System/' Message: 'Character set: ANSI' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCore' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package Core' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedXInterface' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package XInterface' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedEngine' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package Engine' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedXGame' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package XGame' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedIpDrv' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package IpDrv' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedGameplay' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package Gameplay' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedEditor' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package Editor' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCTGame' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package CTGame' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedTransient' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package Transient' Message: 'Object subsystem initialized' Message: 'OS Type=Nintendo Switch' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedSDLDrv' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package SDLDrv' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedALAudio' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package ALAudio' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedOpenGLDrv' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package OpenGLDrv' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCTMarkers' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package CTMarkers' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedMyPackage' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package MyPackage' Message: 'Dynamic load Engine.GameEngine' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedProperties' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedHardwareShaders' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedOrbitFonts' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedWarfareFonts' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedGUIContent' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedGEN_Sound' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedHUDTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedHUDMeshes' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCTEffects' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCTCharacters' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedFrameFX' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCTInventory' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedPhysicalMaterials' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedHudArms' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedClone' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedFootstepProps' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCTAudio' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedHudArmsTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedXInterfaceCTMenus' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedXInterfaceCommon' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedShadow' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCloneTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedMarkerIcons' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedCharacter_Voice' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedParams_SFX' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedParams_Rumble' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedEffectTex' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedWeapons' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedPickupMeshes' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedUWindow' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedUI_Sound' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedUI_Music' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedMarkerIconTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedWeaponTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedParams_VOX' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedPickupTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedParams_MUS' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedAssaultShip_PR' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedEffectMesh' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedAssaultShip_Textures_Props' in the main binary...' Message: 'Unreal engine initialized' Message: 'Loading native classes' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedGlobalProps' in the main binary...' Message: 'Detected 1 joysticks' Message: 'Joystick [0] : Joy-Con (Dual)' Message: 'Joystick has 20 buttons' Message: 'Joystick has 0 hats' Message: 'Joystick has 0 balls' Message: 'JoystickHatNumber exceeds the number of detected hats, setting to 0.' Message: 'Too many joystick buttons; clamped to 16.' Message: 'Joystick has 4 axes' Message: 'SDLClient initialized.' Message: 'Initializing OpenGLDrv...' Message: 'binding OpenGL library...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedBumpTex' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package BumpTex' Message: 'Dynamic load BumpTex.StaticEnvmaps.StaticDiffuse' Message: 'Dynamic load BumpTex.StaticEnvmaps.StaticSpecularMatte' Message: 'Dynamic load BumpTex.StaticEnvmaps.StaticSpecularDull' Message: 'Dynamic load BumpTex.StaticEnvmaps.StaticSpecularPolished' Message: 'Dynamic load BumpTex.StaticEnvmaps.StaticSpecularShiny' Message: '(Karma): Beginning Karma for game.' Message: '(Karma): Creating MeAssetDB.' Message: '(Karma): Loading: ambient.ka' Message: '(Karma): Loading: clone.ka' Message: '(Karma): Loading: ct.kaw' Message: '(Karma): Loading: droid.ka' Message: '(Karma): Loading: geonosian.ka' Message: '(Karma): Loading: rasanimprops.ka' Message: '(Karma): Loading: trandoshan.ka' Message: '(Karma): Loading: turrets.ka' Message: '(Karma): Loading: vehicles.ka' Message: '(Karma): Loading: wookiee.ka' Message: '(Karma): Finished Creating MeAssetDB (27 Assets).' Message: 'Pre load memory watermark: 0' Message: 'Loading level verify' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedEntry' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading level' Message: 'LoadMap: Entry' Message: 'Pre load memory watermark: 1' Message: 'Dynamic load Entry.myLevel' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedUDN-LevelLoadingTex' in the main binary...' Message: 'Entry load time: 0.389 sec total, 0.387 app' Message: ' Entry init actor coll time: 0.027 sec total, 0.027 app' Message: 'Game class is 'GameInfo'' Message: 'Level is Level Entry.myLevel' Message: '*** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID ***' Message: 'Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) ...' Message: 'InitGame:' Message: 'Base Mutator is Entry.InGameTempName' Message: 'GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False' Message: 'MusicStat is InGameTempName' Message: ' Entry init BeginPlay time: 0.657 sec total, 0.657 app' Message: 'Post load memory watermark: 2' Message: 'Entry init time: 0.766 sec total, 0.766 app' Message: 'Entry file load stats: Opens 0, Seeks 0, Skips 0, Reads 0 KB / 0, Serialize 0 KB / 0' Message: 'Exiting LoadMap' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedUDebugMenu' in the main binary...' Message: 'Loading script package UDebugMenu' Message: 'Dynamic load UDebugMenu.UDebugRootWindow' Message: 'Dynamic load UDebugMenu.UDebugBlueLookAndFeel' Message: 'Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.' Message: 'AL_VENDOR : Ryan C. Gordon' Message: 'AL_RENDERER : mojoAL' Message: 'AL_VERSION : 1.1' Message: 'AL_EXTENSIONS : AL_EXT_FLOAT32' Message: 'Device supports: ALC_EXT_capture' Message: '16 AL Audio Sources Created!' Message: 'ALAudio: subsystem initialized.' Message: 'Team 255' Message: '(Karma): KInitSkeletonKarma: Framework, but no world.' Message: '' Message: '0,' Message: 'Input system initialized for InGameTempName' Message: 'TTS: No output filename specified.' Message: 'Enter SetRes: 1280x720 Fullscreen 1' Message: 'OpenGL' Message: 'GL_VENDOR : NVIDIA Corporation' Message: 'GL_RENDERER : NVIDIA Tegra/Nintendo Switch' Message: 'GL_VERSION : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 421.03' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_compression' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_multisample' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_fragment_program' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_vertex_program' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_stencil_wrap' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_framebuffer_object' Message: 'OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil' Message: 'OpenGL: Using GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil for render targets' Message: 'OpenGL: C32 RGB888 Z24 S8' Message: 'OpenGL: Level of anisotropy is 1.000000 (max 16.000000).' Message: 'OpenGL: Have 0 multisamples buffers, 0 samples.' Message: 'OpenGL: Failed to get a multisample GL context' Message: 'OpenGL: MojoShader reports 7 available profiles:' Message: 'OpenGL: - glspirv' Message: 'OpenGL: - glsl120' Message: 'OpenGL: - glsl' Message: 'OpenGL: - nv4' Message: 'OpenGL: - nv3' Message: 'OpenGL: - nv2' Message: 'OpenGL: - arb1' Message: 'OpenGL: MojoShader thinks the best profile is 'glspirv'' Message: 'OpenGL: Creating MojoShader context for profile 'glsl120' ...' Message: 'OpenGL: MojoShader context successfully created!' Message: 'OpenGL: max vertex shader uniforms: 4096' Message: 'OpenGL: max pixel shader uniforms: 4096' Message: 'OpenGL: Using GL_ARB_framebuffer_object for render-to-texture.' Message: 'OpenGL: Using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap for stencil operations.' Message: 'Game engine init time: 65.732529 seconds total, 65.732536 app' Message: 'Game init load stats: Opens 0, Seeks 0, Skips 0, Reads 0 KB / 0, Serialize 0 KB / 0' Message: 'MenuOpen: XInterfaceCTMenus.CTStartXboxMenu (RESET )' Message: 'Dynamic load GUIContent.Menu.RC_title_bg' Message: 'StartMovie with m_PlaybackRect (0, 0), (1920, 1080)' Message: 'Startup time: 3.886054 seconds' Message: 'Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes' Message: 'StartMovie with m_PlaybackRect (0, 0), (1920, 1080)' Message: '10.003246:FREE MEMORY:1746MB' Message: 'Precaching: Entry.LevelInfo0' Message: 'Allocating dynamic index buffer.' Message: 'Geometry precache time: 0.745 sec total, 0.745 app' Message: 'Dynamic load OrbitFonts.OrbitBold12' Message: 'Texture precache time: 22.716 sec total, 22.716 app' Message: 'Allocating dynamic vertex buffer.' Message: 'Dynamic load XInterfaceCTMenus.CTMenuMain' Message: 'GotoMenu(InGameTempName)' Message: 'StartMovie' Message: '' Message: '0,' Message: '' Message: '0,' Message: 'Browse: PRO?Name=RC_PROFILE?Class=CTCharacters.PlayerCommando?team=255' Message: 'Pre load memory watermark: 2' Message: 'LoadMap: Loading new level. Pausing/Stopping file caching.' Message: 'Loading level verify' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedPRO' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedmyLevel' in the main binary...' Message: 'Unloading: Package PRO' Message: 'Loading level' Message: 'LoadMap: PRO?Name=RC_PROFILE?Class=CTCharacters.PlayerCommando?team=255' Message: 'stopping menu movie' Message: 'Collecting garbage' Message: 'Purging garbage' Message: 'Garbage: objects: 24242->23990; refs: 237218' Message: 'FName High Watermark: 33520' Message: 'FName Current Count: 30916' Message: 'FName Slots Available: 2604' Message: 'UObject High Watermark: 24246' Message: 'Pre load memory watermark: 3' Message: 'Allocating dynamic vertex buffer.' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedPRO' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedmyLevel' in the main binary...' Message: 'Dynamic load PRO.myLevel' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedBriefingTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedAssaultShip_Textures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedKaminoTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedRas_CarlTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedLD_Common' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedKaminoan' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedAccessoryProperties' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedAnimPropProperties' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedPrologueAnimProps' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedVehicles' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedDroid' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedMiscAnimProps' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedAmbient' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedAudioEnv' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedKamino_GM' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedBriefings' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedUpperKashyyyk_GM' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedPrologue_Voice' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedUpperKashyyyk_Textures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedYYY_Sound' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedGEN_Music' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedYYY_Music' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedDroidTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedKaminoanTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedVehicleTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedAmbientTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedReverb' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedTurrets' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedTrandoshanTextures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedArena_Textures' in the main binary...' Message: 'DLL: Looking for symbol 'GLoadedRAS_Voice' in the main binary...' Message: '(Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.'